EX-MEN IN BLACK .-Habremos logrado digitalizar la muerte?, Regresar a quienes más extrañamos en nuestra memoria?.
Jang Ji-sung, una madre de cuatro hijos, ansiaba ver a su hija Nayeon, de siete años, fallecida tres años atrás.
Sin embargo una compañia china le dió la oportunidad de reunirse con ella a través de la tecnología VR (realidad virtual).
El asunto ha parado los pelos de punta a los científicos tradicionalistas y religiosos que ven este tipo de manifestaciones contrarias al orden de la vida.
Por su parte la desconocida empresa china ha anunciado que de la Realidad Virtual , experimentan con la posibilidad de crear una especie de humanoide o robot biológico cuya identidad y características serian similares al humano fallecido.
Será posible entonces que en el futuro cercano tengamos una reencarnación digital y realmente no moriremos del todo?.
Podremos fácilmente transferirnos a un robot biológico?.
Finalmente cabe la pregunta si los extraterrestres han intercambiado tecnología , para que el ser humano tenga la libre elección de una vida eterna?
Como este video esta en chino, les dejamos el dialogo que se sostiene en dicho encuentro sobrenatural artificial:
Mother: ...where are you?
Nayeon: Mommy! Mommy? Mommy, where have you been?
M: Me? I always —
N: Mommy, did you think about me?
M: Everyday...
N: Mommy, I missed you so much. [note: literal translation is “I wanted to see you so much”]
M: I missed you so much too. [She tries to touch her.] My Nayeon. Nayeon...have you been well? Mommy wanted to see you so much. Nayeon, you’re doing well, right? Oh...my beautiful Nayeon.
Mommy misses holding/hugging you so much. Mommy missed you so much.
N: Mommy, am I beautiful?
M: Yes
N: I am, aren’t I?
M: Yes. You’re so so beautiful, my Nayeon.
Nayeon. I just want to touch you one more time.
N: Mommy I’m cold!
M: Why? Why are you cold?
N: Mommy, put your hand out like this.
M: Like this?
N: Mommy, it feels nice to hold my hand, right?
M: Yes, I want to hold your hand!
N: But if we hold hands like this, then we float up to heaven/the sky!
M: Yeah? Oh, Nayeon, you’re wearing your favorite flip flops.
N: Mommy, are you scared?
M: I’m not scared.
N: Boo! Lemme show you something pretty!
M: It’s Twilight! [the pony]
N: Today, my mommy came! Say hi!
M: Hi!
N: Mommy, sit over here!
M: Here?
N: Hurry!
M: Ok I did.
N: Mommy, let’s celebrate my birthday.
M: [counting candles, confused] 1, 2, 3, 4....1, 2, 3, 4...
N: Put these candles in for me.
M: Ok.
N: Ohh, how pretty!
M: Cheese!
[Singing happy birthday]
N: My wishes! Make sure daddy quits smoking. And don’t fight with my older brother and sister. I don’t want baby sister to get sick. And ummm....I don’t want mommy to cry anymore.
Together: 1, 2, 3! [they blow out the candles]
N: I think your seaweed soup is the yummiest. [note: seaweed soup is eaten on birthdays]
M: That’s right. You did love my cooking. And you still do...
N: Wow, mom, look! The potato flowers are blooming! [running around]
M: You’re right! Hey...you were just over there a moment ago. [She waves.]
N: Mommy, come over here! Surprise! [hands her flowers] Mommy, you can see that I’m not hurting (not sick) anymore, right?
M: That’s right. You shouldn’t be. You can’t be.
N: Mommy, are you sad? Don’t cry anymore.
M: I will. I’ll stop crying. And I won’t live my life just missing you, but instead loving you. Even more everyday.
N: You know what though, mommy? I actually wrote you a letter.
M: Really?
N: Want me to read it to you?
M: Yeah!
N: Mommy, we’re always together, right? If we meet again, let’s play a lot!
M: Ok.
N: I’ll think of you all the time.
M: Thank you. I hope you know I love you so much. And wherever you are, I’m gonna find you there. I still have some stuff to do here though, but when I’m all done, I’ll come find you and be with you forever, ok? And when that happens, we’ll be happy together. I love you, Nayeon.
N: Mommy, I’m tired. Don’t leave me (stay close to my side). Mommy, bye bye. I love you.
M: Me too. You go ahead now. Bye.
Información Final
Nayeon falleció a los pocos meses de ser diagnosticada con leucemia. Hay una parte en el medio del video donde su padre habla sobre los detalles de todos los bocadillos en la mesa de picnic y cómo solían ser sus favoritos.
Ella hablaría sobre cómo iba a comerlos una vez que saliera del hospital, pero ese deseo nunca se hizo realidad.
Su hermana mayor, su hermano mayor y su hermanita se muestran en el video junto a su padre.

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